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“There’s no school like the old school” is a myth—at least for retail.

Writer: Bruce CrandallBruce Crandall

No surprise, Amazon is by far the favorite destination for retail shopping in the U.S. In a recent survey among 596 retail shoppers by Mobile Digital Insights, Amazon was chosen as the clear favorite place to shop, followed distantly by the more traditional, brick and mortar Target, Kohl’s, and Macy’s.

However, while talk of “favorites” is a small part of the overall learnings, each retail brand queried in this study came away with something to be learned.

More than seven in ten consumers have shopped the largest U.S. retailers, and virtually all consumers have bought from Walmart or Amazon. However, Walmart appears to be the proverbial elephant in the room—the store almost everyone has shopped for value, but poor service, corporate policies, and simple distrust have dented perceptions of the brand.

“While Walmart and Amazon battle for retail supremacy, Amazon has created and led (and continues to satisfy) the hunger for online shopping,” says Bruce Crandall, Senior Research Director at MDI Americas. “Finding the right balance of online shopping with the advantage of seeing, touching, and feeling product in person is the challenge traditional retailers continue to grapple with.”


These findings come from MDI’s BrandCategorySurvey™ conducted in October 2019 among the general U.S. population. Sixteen hundred (n=1,600) adults (+/- 2%), ages 18 and older, participated in the online survey. Please let us know if you’d like to learn more!

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